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Ken Clark

LeBron 101 - The KINGdom On and Off the Court

The Lakers win the NBA In Season Tournament. The Lakers will raise a banner. The National Basketball Association (NBA) will declare this event a success with ratings, interests, clicks and even experimenting with new courts and uniforms. The winning players each capitalized on the cash incentive for they winners. LeBron James was the MVP. Since the final whistle, many young Lakers have come forward to say that LeBron told them they were going to win that "extra check" for them. I spoke about how that "extra check" could mean a lot for athletes to potentially invest in their future. What more of an investment for the future is securing "Peace of Mind" and a bit of financial security. LeBron was aware of this and while other NBA athletes talked about a Vegas splurge, he wanted to win for teammates where this bonus would mean the most. 

LeBron James is subject that a Sports Business United class can feast on. Many a case study, discussion, reflections, and lessons lie in his 21 year NBA career as well as his time in High School. 

The Sports Business United curriculum will consist of great class - LeBron James: A study of the KINGdom on and off the court. Who wants in?

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